Getting AUC |
Stable Release
The current version of AUC is 0.7.4, released October 1, 2001.
It is
available here as both tar.gz and RPM format under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
NOTE for version 0.7.4: If upgrading to 0.7.4 using the tarball from a
previous version, run 'rm /var/www/auc/headtags.*' before installing
version 0.7.4 in order to get the new character set improvements (non-english
languages will not display correctly if you do not do this).
Development Release
The latest development sources can be downloaded from CVS with the following
commands. When prompted for a password, just press enter.
cvs login
cvs -z3 co
modulename can be one of auc or auc-sampleplugin.
After downloading, use the INSTALL file for installation instructions, except
type ./ instead of ./configure .
As this is a development release, it is recommended that you stay up to date by
signing up for the development
list. Information is available on the Development Page. Also,
the bug reporting system
there should be used for reporting bugs.
The Plugin API has been revised for 0.7.x. As of now, there are no third-party
plugins available for download, but I have made the following example package
available as a template.
Check out the README file for information on what the API is capable
© 2000, David Moore